Sunday 28 September 2014

Sunday, 28th September 2014

Another year older, and I am officially a grown up because I passed my driving test on Friday! Third time was lucky for me!

I passed in an automatic, with 7 minors, which I think is pretty good - considering I had three majors on my first test, it is certainly an improvement! Thankfully they did not ask me to parallel park or it may have been a different story...

It is really weird to think I can drive now. I woke up at 5am the next day and then couldn't get back to sleep because I was so excited.

I have been organised - I went straight away and bought a car, with the highly-appreciated supervision of mum and dad! I have to wait a week to pick it up but I am very pleased with my purchase, and even managed a test drive without doing anything embarrassing. So, meet Nelly:

She is not silver!! Dan bought me a range of new driver accessories including P plates and fluffy dice - has to be done, I am told.

Prior to this, my birthday was the day before, and we went to the Donkey Sanctuary for a day out. It was a lovely day and surprisingly accessible on the bus. It was quiet as it was mid-week so we more or less had the donkeys all to ourselves! Dan was in his element - he hasn't been before.

We also have love in the air in our house (apart from Dan and I, of course) - we had previously bought two angel fish -  however Scully met a sticky end quite quickly leaving Mulder all alone. He has been fine but they are meant to be kept in pairs, and I finally put my foot down on the issue yesterday. Cue new angel fish Pumpkin - and it was a successful match! Mulder adores her and follows her everywhere. I am sure he was happy before, but he seems even happier now. And Pumpkin gets to live in our giant tank, which must be nice!

So, the week off is nearly at a close. I am back at work tomorrow and I am actually quite looking forward to seeing everyone and getting back into my usual routine (holiday routine seems to involve a rather erratic sleeping pattern).

I am sure this week will drag by though, waiting for the car to be ready to collect on Saturday. Then watch out - I will be let loose on the roads!!
